Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Among the Echoes Update: Now added to the Wrecked & Ruined Series

*Tap Tap* May I have your attention please. I have an announcement to make.

As of today, I will be adding Among the Echoes into the Wrecked and Ruined Series as book 2.5. Allow me to explain why this is just now happening.

When I originally marketed Among the Echoes, I chose to promote it as a standalone and leave it out of the Wrecked and Ruined series. I wanted that series to include only those individuals who were DIRECTLY involved in the wreck: Brett, Caleb, Sarah. (You will note Savor Me is also not included in that series officially.) But more than that, I really wanted to give you an "Oh shit!" moment at the end when you realized that Leo was crossing over to Broken Course.

Back in August when Echoes released, I didn't want you to know that Leo was Sarah's man ahead of time. I just wanted you to meet Leo in his own element before forming your opinions of him. Basically, I wanted you to fall in love with Leo without Sarah's reputation overshadowing him. I needed to give him a fighting chance before I fed him to the Sarah haters. (And trust me there are plenty. Rightly so.) It worked. MOST people fell in love with Leo (though some didn't.) Some loved him so much that they sent me hate mail about what a terrible person I was for hooking him up with Sarah. I laughed. That was fun.

Now. Let's fast forward to Friday when I released Broken Course. It became blindingly obvious to me that, while I enjoyed the hell out of the shocked reactions at the end of Echoes, I had confused several of you by not announcing that Leo was first met in Among the Echoes. Several of my readers didn't realize that the books tied together at all. I want to apologize for that. I love a good twist, but it appears I may have twisted it a little too hard.

So full disclosure...
★ Yes. Among the Echoes is a complete standalone that includes an epilogue for Slate and Erica. It is not Leo's book, but he does have a substantial role.
★ With the exception of the last sentence of the book, there are no cross over characters or situations from Changing Course and Stolen Course in Among the Echoes.
★You do NOT have to read Among the Echoes in order to understand and enjoy Broken Course. Leo's past is explained in Broken Course.
★ If you would like to fully experience Leo's past ahead of time, it is suggested that you read Among The Echoes between Stolen Course (Book 2) and Broken Course (Book 3).

So there you have it. I'm sorry for the confusion. Well, I'm kinda sorry anyway. Seriously, that hate mail after Echoes was hilarious. Thank you so much for reading! Now I must go. It's wine time!!!

★•**•.★ New Wrecked and Ruined Reading Order ★•**•.★
Book 1➜ Changing Course: http://amzn.to/11cogUW

Book 2➜ Stolen Course: http://amzn.to/145R9TY

Book 2.5➜ Among the Echoes: http://amzn.to/1xEtQt8

Book 3➜ Broken Course: http://amzn.to/1zfIA2G

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