Standalone Books

Savor Me: A Novella

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Date Published: April 14, 2014
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I lost my virginity at age thirteen. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. I wasn't raped or molested. Nothing horrible happened to me. I don't have a daddy complex, or a shit life that I need to be rescued from. I just happen to like boys...a lot. I like them all. Tall, short, skinny, buff, light hair, or dark, I don't discriminate.

I realized early on that one man wasn't enough for me. It's a simple mathematical fact. Why have one man when you can have two? Any more than two gets complicated. Hell, half the time even two gets complicated. But it’s worth it. Sometimes every woman has to make an exception though, two crappy losers or one smoking hot man. 

The night I laid eyes on Hunter Coy, I made my choice. At least until he introduced me to Mason Wynn.


Among the Echoes

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Date Published: July 31, 2014
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**Among the Echoes is a full length standalone novel. 
It can be read individually or as an addition to the Wrecked and Ruined Series 
as book 2.5. 
This novel contains material that may be offensive to some readers. Including sexual abuse, graphic language, and adult situations. Intended for readers 18+.** 


*Among The Echoes is a stand alone novel which contains material that may be offensive to some readers. Including sexual abuse, graphic language, and adult situations. Intended for readers 18+.*

My name was Dr. Erica Hill. I was a victim, then a witness, and then I ceased to exist altogether.

I may still be breathing, but stripped of my identity, I have long since stopped living. I am invisible, and my life depends on my ability to stay in the shadows.

But he sees me.

Slate Andrews is the embodiment of everything I have been taught to avoid. He’s rich and famous, and one image of him with a woman would earn millions for any paparazzi lucky enough to snap it. He has vowed to protect me with his life, yet he exposes me with his every breath. I should be stronger and walk away. I should disappear. But I’m terrified he would come after me.

I’m on the run, determined not to take him down with me but absolutely unable to let him go.

My name is Riley Peterson…at least for today.


1 comment:

  1. if you're to eavesdrop from an group connected with men talking greater than dinner or maybe drinks, The idea would possibly be simply no surprise the topic associated with its discussion can almost always lead for you to talking exactly about women. AS WELL AS including any official girl bonding session, men furthermore talk information about a number regarding traits, qualities, AND ALSO capabilities they retail outlet pertaining to throughout a great woman. Laid eyes on
